• Are you ready to take on more customers or clients right now?
  • Is it finally time to grow your business in a way that is NOT solely dependent upon your minority status?
  • Are you prepared to create truly predictable and sustainable revenue growth?


We’re excited to kick off our new platform with an amazing training called The Predictable Revenue Bootcamp, created by Ian Watts.

You need to know and be able to follow the exact steps that remove the stress of knowing how to generate additional sales every single month.

Your business depends on having effective systems, without you and your small team having to work almost every waking hour.

While there is no substitute for hard work and long hours sometimes, there is a better way to grow your business.

The Predictable Revenue Boot Camp



7 Lessons

5 hours of video content


7 Video Trainings, Plus 6 Bonus Q&A Sessions designed to help you Generate Predictable Revenue and Develop Effective Systems for Growth.

  • Session 1
    Introduction: It’s a Secret

    Discover the two secrets that will immediately transform your thinking and approach to achieving your business goals and dreams.

  • Session 2
    Lights, Camera, Action: The Market

    Identify which prospective customers, clients or patients will be clamoring for your products or services.

  • Session 3
    My Diary: The Message

    Create marketing messages and offers that are irresistible to your market.

  • Session 4
    My Tribe: The Media

    Determine the best place to market to your prospects and acquire them profitably.

  • Session 5
    Don’t Bet The Farm: Lean Methodology

    Quickly and inexpensively test your product or service to ensure that it is irresistible to your market.

  • Session 6
    Free At Last: Developing Systems

    Implement the simple method for developing systems that allow your business to scale and give you personal freedom.

  • Session 7
    Success Leaves Clues: Following Giants

    Learn the Secrets of the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs


Since 2015, Ian has been helping small business owners fulfill their small business dreams by helping them generate predictable revenue, quickly, inexpensively and successfully launch new products and services and by developing effective systems for growth and personal freedom.

He achieved his own small business dream of becoming a millionaire by the age of 26, 4 years ahead of his personal goal, and considers himself to be a small business junkie!

Unlike what you might think, his passion for coaching and training wasn't birthed out of his success. It was birthed through the unnecessary pain, frustration and embarrassment of failures along his journey, including him losing everything in 2006, and having to rebuild.

It was through the hard times that he discovered his WHY, his passion to help you and other MBE’s achieve you all’s small business dreams. He always shares that he will, “Be what didn’t see” as a young business owner.

Ian has provided coaching and training for business owners in almost all 50 states and in many countries around the world, including: China, Hong Kong, Toronto, The United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Sydney and others. He has also shared the stage with top speakers across the nation including Eric Thomas, who is considered by many to be the #1 Speaker in the World. And, we are excited that he will be providing training so that we can help you transform your business! Here is a quick testimonial about the quality of Ian’s training and coaching…

"Ian is one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and small business coaches that I know. He developed an innovative system that allowed me to rapidly hire over 300 people in less than 2 years, growing my company from 6 clinics to 61 clinics nationwide. This was done with a third of the usual staffing." -Rich Morgan, President of LightRx Face and Body

Enough about Ian. We only shared this much about him so that you would be aware of the quality of the training that is being offered…

When you register for the bootcamp, you will:

  • Get the Skills and Receive the Tools to Market ANY Business in a way that gives You So Many Opportunities that it makes it Unfair to Your Competition
  • Understand how to Develop a Business that is NOT dependent upon your Minority Business Status
  • Leverage the Key Skills that will Remove Price Suppression (...even in a crowded market)
  • Avoid the Stress, Wasted Time & Money of Growing Your Small Business
  • Develop Business Systems that Allow You to Scale Your Business and Give You Personal Freedom
  • Develop a Model to Quickly and Inexpensively Test Any New Business, Product or Service Idea to Ensure that it is Irresistible to Your Market
  • Develop the System to Attract Customers, Clients or Patients that will Stay with You for Life
  • Discover the 7 Secrets of the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs
  • Uncover the Single Greatest Secret to Staying Motivated to Accomplish Your Business Goals no Matter What Life Throws Your Way


“Ian is one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs and small business coaches that I know. He developed an innovative system that allowed me to rapidly hire over 300 people in less than 2 years, growing my company from 6 clinics to 61 clinics nationwide. This was done with a third of the usual staffing.”

Rich Morgan - President of LightRx Face and Body

“Working with Ian has been such an eye opening experience. He has shown me how to focus on the exact steps to take in building the business I desire. Because of Ian's system I wake up everyday excited about what each day will bring.”

Maurice Miller - CFP, ChFC, MassMutal Great Lakes

“Ian is one of the most creative business minds in the City of Detroit and beyond. His passion for and work with small business owners will have a worldwide impact. He was truly created for this.”

Christopher Brooks - Senior Pastor, Woodside Bible Church


The regular price of this bootcamp is $1,997. But, during our launch period, for a limited time, the MMSDC will help underwrite over 60% of the cost!

Don’t delay, Register NOW for The Predictable Revenue Boot Camp!